Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My good fellows,

Here be my initial post, a distraction from what's due
I pay now for incompetence; my notes are all askew
Hampering attempts to write a comprehensive string
The time it takes to sift and sort and slice a dithering thing

Undignified it teeters in the balance of there and here
Its quality is questionable, and inspires dreaded fear
My essay screams undignified, ill-mannered in its verse
So fire up the ovens, it arrives quite soon in a hearse

Oh what a lovely camera, a necessary buy-
Crap, lose focus once again, tomorrow you will cry
I cannot help but look around my cluttered little cove
Wishing I was back in Scotland, hidden in a grove

Alas the written word wins out, above Achilles' heel
Demanding my whole evening without attracting zeal
Illusions on a dotted screen escaping wrath of the mind
Stupidity in simplest form; you and I, the procrastinating kind.